Why do I travel and where is the value of the blog?
Value of travel
I travel because it gives me the greatest pleasure on earth. It is more than a hobby, it is my immense interest and curiosity to visit new countries, places and get to know new people and cultures. There is nothing greater than exploring different cultures and trying to understand how the world functions and why people behave how they do. Traveling has always been something very personal to me, this is my attempt to share experiences and share the pleasure and excitement traveling has given me over the past years.
This leads me to the WHY I am writing this: I want to help people make the move and experience new cultures and places. I want to help giving the guidance for exploring new countries, potentially also countries less known for tourism, the same way those travel blogs have helped me (and will help me in the future!) to get acquainted with places I wanna explore – and there are endless places on my list!!!!!
I will begin uploading travel blogs including potential itineraries, general recommendations and all special information I still have about the individual countries and places – I have travelled most countries alone or with friends backpacking, making them very low budget, however, I also experienced a lot of family vacations, higher budget, which I might put in a different category later on – so LETS GO AND DIVE RIGHT IN!

How do I travel? I am mostly backpacking, generally saving up all money I can from internships, daily life, meaning I do not buy a lot of clothes nor do I eat out excessively. I look out for my money in my daily life, hoping to be a bit more flexible on that as soon as I finish my Masters and begin with a full-time-job. However, so far all trips and budget worked out very well and I extract the highest value of travel from it.
My average budget for a trip usually is between 30-50 euros a day, depending on the length and destination of the trip. Latin America usually goes more into 35-40 euros a day, whereas South East Asia is totally doable with 20-25 Euros a day. On shorter trips (4 days – 10 days) I tend to spend a little more, usually at a max of 50 Euros.
Follow me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lovemarafee/?hl=de
Read part one of my introduction: https://travelmarafee.com